The Ultimate Guide to Getting Clients Who Pay MORE

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Here, I’m sharing what it takes to get clients who pay you MORE. When you’re getting started with selling your services, it’s nothing to get a person to pay you $30 or $50 or even $100 for what you do. But that type of money doesn’t put you on track to create a full-time business that has the potential to leave your 9-5 job. To become a full-time service provider (faster!), without having to burn yourself out by taking on too many clients) all you need to do is to book 2 or 3 clients per month at a premium rate, charging $1,000+ for your services.

But what many people don’t realize is...

You’re essentially targeting a different type of client when you raise your rates. It’s not about just raising your prices and begging the same cheap people to pay you more. No. You’re literally pivoting to a totally different part of the market, when you charge a premium price. And you have to learn the right marketing and positioning strategies to attract those people to you (and to repel the cheap clients).

High paying clients and cheap clients usually care about different things.

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So now you may be wondering…how do you appeal to the higher paying clients? 

You have to stop thinking of yourself as just a service provider and elevate yourself to the SOLUTION provider level.

A solution provider uses their services to solve a problem for their clients.

And this must be a specific problem for a specific group of clients. And you must also become a “specialist” who focuses in on one type of service that you’re going to make yourself known for. Being a “jack of all trades” doesn’t work when you want to attract premium clients because when you try to “do it all” — premium clients see through it. They’re looking for true experts to hire and when you do too many different things…that’s a red flag to them that you’re an amateur or you’re not really strong in any of the areas. And they’ll move on to a specialist. 

Once you decide what you want to specialize in, take a look at the different types of clients you could possibly serve and identity the problems that each of those client types are struggling with. Different client types all have different problems, so the more specific you get with the type of client you help, the better because your marketing messages will speak to their specific problems and needs.

Here’s an example of how a Career Coach could be coaching two different types of clients with totally different issues.

Area of Specialty: One-on-One Career Coaching

Problems That Sr. Level Employees Have:

  • Concerned about getting promoted to the executive level

  • Want to get recognized as a leader at work

Problems That Entry-Level Employees Have:

  • Concerned about getting their first job

  • Want to learn how to develop new connections with leaders at work

Here’s an example of how a Designer could offer services tailored for two different types of clients with totally different issues.

Area of Specialty: Web Designer

Problems That E-commerce Businesses Have:

  • Managing lots of inventory

  • Getting hundreds of sales a months

  • Working with influencers for more exposure, instead of doing discovery calls

Problems That Service Businesses Have:

  • Juggling client projects

  • Getting 2 or 3 sales a month

  • Doing discovery calls to get clients

As you can see with both these examples, the area of specialization could serve different types of clients in different ways. So the key to attracting premium clients who pay more is deciding which type of client you want to serve and then…

Create a valuable service package that solves the problem for that specific client. You must also include an amazing client experience that makes it feel “elevated” to work with you. Those higher end clients WANT to pay for a full package solution with amazing support and they actually get excited about it!

And to boost your credibility in the eyes of a premium client, your service package should be presented on a landing page online, so there’s a place where they can read about it and they can read about your experience.

The next must-have strategy to attract clients who pay more is to learn the right marketing and sales strategies to attract those clients to you. You’re doing a totally different type of social media marketing when you want to attract high paying clients. Your marketing should be all about the problems you’re helping your clients solve and the desires for where they want to be after their problems are solved.

Your marketing should shift from being generic to being value-focused. Here’s the difference between value-focused social media posts that get the attention of higher paying clients vs. posts that flop.

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And last but not least…

To attract higher paying clients, your discovery calls must shift from being calls just to ramble about your what’s included with services to calls where you can uncover your clients’problems and what their desires are.

Doing this allows you to prove to the clients that you’re the solution that they need to help them first. And then, you’re able to tell them at the end of the call what your plan is for helping them with the packaged offer that you have to suit their needs. This literally wows your potential client and it elevates you WAY above any of the other options that they might have been considering — because most people go about their discovery calls he wrong way!

High paying clients who are intentionally looking for more and they’re looking for a major solution to their problems. So once they completely understand WHY you cost more and HOW you’ll help them, they’ll absolutely be willing to pay you more and you’ll be well on your way to being a full-time service provider!

Check out the FREE masterclass on the 3 Steps to Book Premium Clients Consistently by clicking here.

PodcastKeshia White