3 Mistakes That Slow Down Business Growth

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After you’ve paid your dues and you’ve build the foundation for your coaching or consulting business to be profitable and successful, typically your next stage is the growth stage.

Many coaches and consultants are trying everything for growth, like marketing more, paying for advertising, doing more event appearances, etc. But oftentimes, they forget to position themselves properly in the market to support their growth, which results in much slower momentum.

Here are the three positioning mistakes that could be slowing down your business growth: 

Mistake #1: Your business isn’t positioned to attract high caliber clients online.

High caliber clients are judging you online, based on the quality of how you present yourself. When it looks like you don’t care about the presentation of your business (i.e. your website is low quality, difficult to navigate, doesn’t clearly explain the benefits of working with you), people will have low expectations of you and your services, which will result in you repelling high caliber clients online--thus slowing down the growth of the business. 

When you’re wanting to grow and attract more quality clients, the online space cannot be neglected. Online, can be discovered by hundreds or thousands of potential clients. So you must position yourself as an experienced expert who gets great results, using your website and branding. This also helps your marketing efforts to be more effective, because once someone comes across one of your ads or attends one of your events, they’ll typically do their research on you and when your website and branding confirms that you’re the expert you say you are, you’ll see more leads taking action to book consultations with you.

Mistake #2: You’re not positioned to be viewed as a leading industry expert.

When event organizers and reporters are scouting out businesses to feature, they’re looking for leaders in the industry. When you’re not positioning yourself as the leader that you are online, it’s easy to get looked over for events and press features because you look like a beginner and not an experienced expert. This will lead to missed opportunities for you to become more visible--thus resulting in slower growth.

Visibility and more exposure to your ideal clients results in faster growth. So to make your business more appealing for visibility opportunities, you’ll need the appropriate branding and website to show off your experience and selling points to make you shine online. This way, you’ll have event organizers who can’t wait to feature you because they are already sold on you, just by how you’re presenting yourself online.

Mistake #3: You’re not positioned to provide a seamless client experience.

You must provide a seamless client experience when you’re ready to grow your business. A seamless experience not only saves you time, but it’s more impressive to your clients and it really solidifies your place as an experienced expert in your industry. Your clients will rave to everyone about how amazing it was to work with you when you provide a seamless experience.

When your client experience is bumpy with gaps and mishaps, you’ll see fewer referrals and maybe even fewer leads online because you’re not making it easy for people to inquire and work with you.

Ready to position your business so you can attract more high caliber clients, become viewed as a leading industry expert, and uplevel your client experience? My services can help you with that! Schedule a Brand Discovery Call with me to chat about how I can help you.