How to Position Your Business as the TOP Option

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Nowadays, consumers have more options than ever before. They’re more informed and they're able to do more research before they make a purchase. There are also a lot more competitors in the market, with thousands of businesses that offer the same services that you do.

So for success in business and for continuous growth moving into 2020, it's crucial for you to position your business as the top option for your ideal clients. Being the best option will help you to attract more clients who are actually a good fit for what you do. And it’ll help create less of that friction during the sales process, with them going back and forth, wondering which coach or consultant they should move forward with. By positioning yourself as the top option, there’s no room for debate of whether you’re the right one for them or not.

Here are my three tips on how to position your business as the top option in your industry:

1. Be clear on the value you bring to the table and what makes you different. And make that relevant for your target clients.

So let's say you’re an executive coach and you're targeting employees who want to rise up to VP level positions. Depending on the type of employees you’re working with, they’ll all have different concerns about their journeys to becoming VPs.

If they’re African American employees, they may be concerned about making their way to VP as minorities. If they're moms, they may be concerned about making their way to VP while balancing work with family. Both groups have the same goal, but they may have different ways of achieving that goal, based on their background and lifestyle.

So to be sure your offer stands out from the rest, get extremely clear on the audience that you want to help with your services, so you can make sure you have a customized coaching or consulting package that addresses their unique needs. This will help you better capture their attention with your marketing and your website.

Another example could be for someone who’s a career coach. There are so many different ways to do career coaching. Do you want to help people get their first jobs? Do you want to help mid-level employees move up or get a raise? Both of these audiences will have different needs and desires. The entry level employees just want to break into the door. So communicating to them about getting a raise or getting a promotion is going to be irrelevant and they’ll tune out your marketing.

These examples show why it’s crucial to know exactly what audience you’re targeting and what their needs and desires are, so your marketing can be custom tailored to capture their attention, positioning you as the best—just for them!

2. Clearly communicate about the value you provide and the results you’ve already gotten.

What unique value do you bring to the table that no other coaches or consultants offer? It could be your unique approach to how you do coaching or consulting or it may be your background and life experiences. Whatever it is, keep in mind that when you can communicate your unique value clearly to your target clients, you’re automatically ahead of their other options.

To show off the results you’ve already gotten for more credibility, make sure you share examples of your work and testimonials. Oftentimes people do this amazing work and they get great results for their clients, but they don't really share their results in the online space and this causes them to miss out on potential leads and clients.

To get examples of results to share, make sure you follow up with past clients to ask them about their results, since the two of you worked together. You could do a quick video testimonial through a screen share call and have them answer questions to talk about how you helped them. You can share those video testimonials on social media and you even can convert them to written testimonials for your website.

Showing off your real results will set you apart as the best as what you do. People want proof and validation that you really are who you say you are and you can really do what you're saying you're going to do. 😊

3. Make sure you have a high-quality premium look.

So for a quick analogy—when a woman is shopping at the mall and she knows she wants to buy a high quality new pair of shoes for an event, she’s going to walk through the mall seeking out stores that LOOK like they have what she needs.

She’ll be on the lookout for visual cues that signal high end shoe stores, like glamorous décor, bright lighting, and eye-catching products in the window. She’s not going to waste her time going into the stores that that give off visual cues of low quality, like dark lighting, bad décor, and cheap products in the window.

If a store doesn’t LOOK like the best when she’s walking by, she’s absolutely going to keep walking. She’s not going to go into the store and ask the employees questions to see if they have premium shoes that they’re hiding in the back. That's not what people do.

So it's the same thing when people are deciding what business to work with online. They're making judgments about your service quality, based on how your business is presenting itself, visually.

Let's say someone has your website pulled up and they have one of your competitors' websites pulled up in another tab. They’ll do a comparison of you to your competitor and if they’re looking for the best option for their needs, and your website makes you look like an amateur with lower quality services, they’ll quickly close out your tab and you won’t even be an option anymore.

If you want to position yourself as the best, as an actual serious, high level experienced business owner, you just have to invest in the look of your business. There's no way around it.

And the way you do this is through a quality, rebranded website. Rebranding your website does require an investment and a bit of time, but with the right guidance, it’s a very easy process (that’s all done for you!) and it'll set your business way above the rest of the crowd.

After a rebrand, as your potential clients are doing their research to find the best option, having a new high quality look will help them instantly see what sets you apart and it’ll help them quickly understand that you’re the top notch high caliber option that they want, so you’re not getting overlooked anymore.

So those are my three tips for positioning your business as the TOP option! If you want to chat about possibly working together on rebranding your website, so you can be positioned at the top option, set up a complimentary brand discovery session here: and we can chat with you to see if it's a good fit!