10 Game-Changing Life & Business Tips from Successful Entrepreneurs
Last weekend, I had the privilege of attending the MogulCon conference in Atlanta that was hosted by Felicia Phillips of The PINKpreneur Network. The event was tailored just for entrepreneurial and influential corporate women. I had such an amazing time. As someone who is an aspiring entrepreneur, it can be somewhat of a lonely pursuit, as I am the only one in circle of family, friends, and close acquaintances with entrepreneurial aspirations. Sometimes, it can feel like I'm the outsider.
I used to let that discourage me, when I lacked the internal validation that I needed from myself, but I've learned that we all were created with certain gifts, talents, and interests, so it's up to me to pursue mine and give myself the validation that I was looking for.
Considering all of this, it felt really good to be in a room full of successful black women entrepreneurs who were living their dreams. There was SO much inspiring knowledge that was shared, so it was hard to narrow it down. But here are my top ten life and business lessons that I learned from influencers at the conference that can serve as inspiration to fellow aspiring entrepreneurs. Be sure to check out the MogulCon website so you can get on the email list to receive notifications on the event for 2017.
1. There is a C.O.D.E. for unlocking cash and clients in your business.
This stands for Consistency, Overlearning, Determination, and Environment. Motivation gets you going, but consistency is the thing that is necessary to keep you going. It's important to OVERlearn to be the best at what you do, so you can build your confidence and improve your competence. You must have positive self-talk to stay determined, and you have create an environment of people who will lift you up. (Becky Davis)
“Motivation gets you going, but consistency is the thing that is necessary to keep you going.”
2. You cannot share your dreams with everyone.
People who aren't on the same page as you will sometimes try to talk you out of your dreams, so you simply shouldn't talk about your plans with certain people. Let your success make the noise. (Dr. Karmetria Burton)
3. As you climb, lift!
Bring other women along with you. Let go of judgement towards other women and be more loving and accepting towards one another. (Dr. Karmetria Burton)
4. Make taking care of yourself a priority.
Start your day with a positive thought, prayer, reading, and/or meditation. Don't pick up your cell phone first thing in the morning. Once small positive thought in the morning can change your day. You must take care of yourself mentally, spiritually, and physically to even have the ability to be an entrepreneur. Eat healthy, exercise, get enough sleep, and do things you enjoy. (Dr. Tiffany Lowe-Payne)
5. When pitching to the media, be sure to articulate why your product/content is relevant for their audience.
Pitch a story, not an event/product. Be sure to articulate what is special about you and your product and be able to say it in the form of a quick elevator speech. (Madeline Jones)
6. Build relationships first.
Don't lead by asking someone for something. Make sure the relationship is there first and foremost, so when you do need something, it's easy to ask for it because the relationship has already been built. This is particularly helpful when pitching to media. (Mira Lowe)
7. God can't work with you if you're always pushing pause.
Don't keep stopping yourself from pursuing your interests/dreams and don't continue to play small and procrastinate. (Brother Bedford)
8. The four biggest barriers to business growth are cost, time, obtaining new customers, and growing the revenue of the business.
When you master marketing your business, you basically eliminate all of those problems. Invest time in learning effective marketing tactics that are relevant to today's market, particularly online marketing using tools, such as Facebook Ads. (Julie Lowe)
9. When working to build an audience online, authenticity is key.
Allow people to see your process and the "real" you through apps like Snapchat. People will resonate more with you when they see you're a real and relatable person just like they are. (Koereyelle Dubose)
10. Don't be afraid to say "no" and delegate.
Do not feel guilty about saying no to something that doesn't fit in with your priorities. You must find time to prioritize what's important and you must take care of yourself. If you need help with something, ask for it. (Dr. Karmetria Burton)
“Do not feel guilty about saying no to something that doesn’t fit in with your priorities.”
If you're an entrepreneur or aspiring entrepreneur, what are some tips that have helped you along on your journey? I'm always looking to learn and grow, so please share those tips in the comments below!