Website Audits

If you’d like an expert to take a look at your website to make recommendations on how you can improve it on your own, so it’s better designed to help you attract the clients and opportunities you desire, then a website audit will be perfect for you!


During a personalized website audit, we’ll spend an hour together reviewing your website.


Step 1: Schedule your audit call.

You’ll complete a questionnaire as you’re scheduling your audit call to submit your business details to me to allow me to review your website and create recommendations ahead of our call together. Recommendations for your website will be made based on the kinds of clients and opportunities you’d like to attract to your business.

Step 2: We’ll have your website audit call via Zoom.

We’ll spend an hour on Zoom reviewing your website and I’ll overview all the recommendations that I’m making for you. The goal of the recommendations will be to explain everything you need to do with your website to position you to better attract the types of clients and opportunities you desire. You’ll also have the opportunity for a Q&A session to ask any questions you may have regarding your website.

Step 3: You’ll receive a website improvement checklist.

After our call, you’ll receive a checklist with the recommended next steps to improve your website. Any resources or tools mentioned during the audit will also be included in the checklist, so you won’t have to spend time searching for those items on your own.

The Investment: $250

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Client Success Stories


Watch Career Coach & Diversity Consultant, Desiree Booker’s Story Here

Watch Self-Awareness Coach, Speaker & Podcast Host, LaKitia Wodard’s Story Here

About Me

I help high-achieving, visionary entrepreneurs running service-based businesses upgrade their brand image in order to position themselves for high-caliber clients and opportunities.

Before diving into my business full time, I acquired corporate experience working with a leading provider of marketing automation software, offering small business owners creative strategies to grow their business and impact. So, I bring with me nearly a decade of specialized knowledge that informs the branding and design strategies that I offer my clients.

I’ve worked with dozens of happy clients who have attracted high-end clients and lucrative opportunities as a result of our work together. And I’m passionate about mixing creativity, business strategy and problem solving to serve clients.

I’ve partnered with Adobe to work on national design projects multiple times. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing from Tuskegee University, a Web Design Certificate from Kennesaw State University, and I completed a Visual Design course at General Assembly.

Schedule your website audit and we’ll discuss where you are and where you want to be. And I’ll share how you can design your website in a way that will support you in getting there!

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