Video: How to Book More Speaking Engagements with Your Brand

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As a coach or consultant, speaking can be a great way to expand your influence and reach new audiences! You’ve probably done a few speaking engagements already and you’re wanting to do more to continue growing your business and your influence.

Well, when you’re wanting to book more speaking gigs, it’s crucial that your online presence communicates what you bring to the table as a speaker. Event organizers will often do their homework on you before considering you as a viable candidate for their events. So you want to make sure your brand effectively communicates all that you have to offer, so they’re impressed once they find you.

I’ve helped clients in coaching and speaking create strategic speaking pages. These are clients who’ve spoken at TED and American Airlines. Here are a few tips that I used with them that you can also use to set up your website in a way that will help you book more speaking engagements.

These tips are for creating a page devoted to speaking on your website. If speaking is a top priority for your business, I highly recommend creating a page on your website that “sells” your speaking services, using these tips:

Tip #1: Define what makes you unique as a speaker. What’s your special sauce?

The thing that makes some speakers more appealing than others is how memorable they are! Take the time to define what you bring to the table that makes you a unique speaker who could really move an audience. An event organizer will be looking for someone to not just fill the speaker slot, but they want someone who can make their events more memorable.

Are you great at storytelling? Do you bring actionable steps that can influence your audience to take action to change their lives? Are you really funny and do you bring humor and good jokes?

Define what makes you unique and list that on your speaking page on your website.

Tip #2: Include a media reel of your speaking experience.

If you have video footage of you speaking, you can have a video editor create a media reel of you talks. Seeing you in action will really draw in an event organizer. When they see how comfortable you are on stage and how you can move an audience, they’ll know they’ve found a great candidate for their event.

Tip #3: List your signature talks and the types of audiences/events you’d like to speak at.

Serious professional speakers have list of signature talks on their speaking pages. It don’t need to be a long list, but it should give event organizers an idea of the type of content they could expect from you. And it makes you look like a serious speaker who’s prepared and ready to take on events!

Also, listing the types of events and audiences you most want to speak for is helpful, as well. People love working with a specialist, so if your specialty is speaking to college students at universities or at industry conferences, say that on your speaking page. That will help set you apart from others who may not have that same type of experience.

If you’re open to speaking on topics outside of your list, you can always include a statement like, “other topics available upon request.”

Tip #4: Include past speaking experience and testimonials.

Be sure to include logos from or a list of any past speaking experience that you’ve had. This adds to your credibility as a speaker. Also, include testimonials from past event organizers or even audience members who may have sent you a nice note afterwards. Showing social proof of your speaking experience elevates you above those who may not have those things listed on their websites yet.

Just showing your speaking experience on social media isn’t enough because after a few more posts, those photos of you speaking will be pushed way down your timeline, where barely anyone will be able to see it anymore.

Tip #5: Include head shots and a professional (short and long) bio.

This will really, really show that you’re ready to get on that stage! You make things super easy for event organizers when you show that you already have head shots and bios prepared for them to use on their event websites and event programs. It also could help you save time because when event organizers see those items already on your speaking page, they don’t have to ask you to provide it!

That’s it! Those are 5 tips for booking more speaking engagements with your website! For more on this topic, check out my free training, How Six Figure Coaches & Consultants are Creating Premium Positioning and Attracting 4 and 5 Figure Clients Consistently. See you there!


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