Building a Creative Law Business + Legal Best Practices to Protect Yourself with Shade Dixon

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In this episode, I chat with Shade Dixon, Attorney to the Creatives! During the episode, Shade shares her entrepreneurship journey and how she started her law practice right after graduating from law school. She also talks about how she merges her passion for creativity, including the arts and music, with her love for law by serving creatives with her services. And she opens up about various mindset blocks that sometimes come up for her and how she overcomes them, so she can continue putting in the work to make her business a success.

To close out the episode, Shade shares legal best practices that should be used to protect your business and your intellectual property!

Notable Moments:

  • Why Shade decided to go into entrepreneurship after college by joining her mom in her law practice

  • How Shade overcomes imposter syndrome as she learns new things in her business and as she runs a law practice as a black woman

  • The business strategies that Shade had to pick up after law school to help her successfully run a business as a lawyer

  • Legal best practices that Shade recommends for all business owners to protect themselves

  • How Shade pushes through fear and other mindset blocks to accomplish more in her business

Online, you can follow Shade @shadeesq Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. You can find out more about her services via her website:

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PodcastKeshia White