How to Not Care What People Think

How to Not Care What People Think

I see a lot of aspiring entrepreneurs out there, who would love to have online businesses with a flexible lifestyle. But unfortunately, many of them hardly make any progress towards making their vision a reality because they just care too much about what other people think! They’re afraid of people judging them online. And they may wonder what their parents or friends are going to think about them being the ones pursuing “that crazy business idea.”

And I totally get it…it can be lonely sometimes, as a new entrepreneur, if you have people in your life who don't necessarily understand what you're working towards. But you’ll have learn to get over that and stop caring so much what other people are thinking about you, or you're never going to be able to get to where you want to be in your life.

Here are three quick tips on how to not care what people think to help you put things into perspective, so you can get into action towards going after what you want in your business.

#1: Make sure you’re really, really clear on what your values as a person.

Defining your values is important because not all of us value the same things. This is one of the biggest lessons that I've learned in my life to help me put things into perspective, when other people give me advice. This helps me understand that other people are viewing things from their value system and how they see the world.

So you have to figure out your value system, what are your beliefs are, and what you want your life to be like when you wake up every day.

Usually, when other people are trying to give you “advice,” they’re just pushing their beliefs, fears and values onto you. So really, what they’re saying to you has nothing to do with you. It's just all about them and how they’d feel and what they’d do if they were in your shoes.

If you don't really know what your values are right now, take some time to do some reflection and journaling and ask yourself questions like…

  • What do I value?

  • Do I value freedom?

  • Do I value, flexibility?

  • Do I value financial freedom?

  • Do I value spirituality?

  • Do I value friendship?

  • Do I value time with my family?

Whatever the things are that you value, you want to take some time reflect on it and make sure you’re super, super clear on it.

When you’re clear on what’s important to you and what’s not important to you, this makes it so much easier to just brush off what somebody else might be saying about you, if they’re judging you or trying to push their opinions on you. Knowing what matters to you is how to not care what people think.

#2: Get extremely clear on your vision for your life.

A lot of people just kind of go through life aimlessly, especially after we finish college. There’s all this hype and optimism about our futures during our teenage years with parents telling us to go to college, get the degree, and get the “good job,” so we can be set for life. But oftentimes, once people find themselves in their “good jobs,” this is the stage where a lot of people stop dreaming.

So if you did everything you were “supposed to do” and you’re not actually happy in your life, it’s up to you to dream and new dream, so you can change it! Ask yourself what would your ideal life look like? What would you like to do every day if you didn’t have to go to the job you currently have? And ask yourself what you need to add or remove from your life, so you can get closer to making your ideal life your reality.

As you start to get more clarity on what your idea life looks like, then you have to give yourself a reality check and ask yourself if you’ll regret not going after it. This is important because lots of people dream amazing dreams for themselves, but they stop there and they never start taking action to make those dreams a reality. Remember, you don’t want to get to the end of your life and have all this regret about what you DIDN’T do because you were too afraid of what other people would think! Growing old with regret is one of the worst things that can happen to you in life, in my opinion. This is a real wakeup call on how to not care what people think.

#3: Remember that most people who are very critical & judgmental about what you’re doing are most likely uninformed about it & they don’t understand it.

Most people sharing their unwanted judgments and opinions with you really have no idea what they’re talking about. They probably don’t understand what you’re working on at all.

And when you look at their lives, many of the most negative people are usually the most unhappy. And they’re usually spewing negativity towards you to bring you down to their level to be miserable with them.

So when you consider that, why would you even want to take people like that seriously? You never want to take advice from people who aren’t even living the type of life you want to live!

The kinds of people that most of us want to model our lives after are people who are going after what they want, people who are ambitions and driven, who didn’t settle in life!

So don’t even value the opinions and the views of people who are uninformed, unhappy, and who you don't even want to be like. Reminding yourself of this is how to not care what people think!

These are the three quick tops on how to not care what people think. I know it’s hard when your business is now, but once you make the mindset shift, not caring what people think about your business will become the new normal for you, so hang in there!

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Keshia WhiteMindset