How to Improve Your Money Mindset in Business
Having the right money mindset is extremely important as an entrepreneur. That’s because when you own a business, you’re 100% in charge of the results you get (or don’t get). So if you don’t hit your goals, there’s no one else to blame.
You can’t blame your employer for not giving you the raise you wanted. And you can’t blame some company for not hiring you for the job. As an entrepreneur, your destiny is completely in your hands!
So since the results of your work rest solely upon you, it’s important that you’re thinking the right thoughts to keep yourself motivated to work towards the results. This matters because the wrong thinking is usually the culprit that’s keeping most people from getting the results they want in their businesses.
For example, if you think you can’t do something or if you think a certain result is out of reach for you, you’re not even going to put in the work to try in the first place. You’ll be stuck feeling defeated before you you can even gain some momentum!
But before I go into the money mindset beliefs that hold many people back from making more money in their businesses, I want to remind you that starting a profitable business selling a service on the internet isn’t rocket science. It’s not reserved for just a handful of “special” people out there. It’s literally open for anybody who has a laptop and a skill that they can offer to people all around the nation or even all around the world. There’s truly nothing holding you back from starting an online business selling a service. You just have shift how you think and believe it’s possible for you and that can start right now if you shift the three beliefs I cover below…
Bad Money Mindset Belief #1: You don’t believe people will pay more for your services.
This is really common, especially among people are just starting out as entrepreneurs — because maybe they’ve done their services for free, or maybe they've been doing it for a really discounted price. And they just don't know how to price themselves in a profitable way quite yet. And they talk themselves out of doing raising their rates because they tell themselves it’s only possible for them to book clients at a cheap price.
But in reality, it’s definitely possible to book clients at a higher rate! And being able to do it successfully just depends on your ability to market and position your services to attract higher end clients, instead of cheap clients!
There’s a certain type of marketing required to attract a high end client – the types of clients who want quality, who want to hire trusted experts, and who want to have a great client experience when they work with someone. These people understand the concept of “you get what you pay for.” So they know that typically with cheap service providers, the client experience is probably terrible and the results of the services may be lackluster. And because of this, high end clients are actually scared off by cheap prices! You don’t realize that by being too cheap, you’re actually running off the people you’d most want to work with!
You just have to shift your perspective — once and for all — and take your focus off of the cheap people. You shouldn’t be targeting people who want a service done for as cheapest possible. Those people aren’t your ideal clients.
You want to focus on higher end people, who are willing to (and want to!) pay more for high quality services and a great client experience.
Bad Money Mindset Belief #2: You think having lots of money isn't good.
There’s lots of negative rhetoric out there about money being evil or capitalism being bad. Some of these beliefs are spread through religion or through certain groups in society, where they teach you to “be humble” and get your riches in the afterlife or they teach you to demonize rich people.
But in our society, the reality is, to get access to the things we want and need, it requires MONEY. Like if you want to be able to buy healthier food for your family to eat better, you're going to have to spend money on that food. And if you want to take more vacations, it costs money to take the vacations. And if you want to help people in need, like helping the homeless, it requires MONEY to help them.
You're not doing anyone in the world any favors by staying broke. You want to empower yourself financially to be able to live the life you really want to live and to be able to make an impact on those in need.
To me, it's like the best feeling when I can make a donation to a great cause without thinking twice about it, versus like, if I just really didn't have the money to donate, then I feel helpless, wishing I could’ve done something for them and not being able to.
Money is great to have, when you use it as a tool for GOOD and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
Bad Money Mindset Belief #3: You think you don't deserve to be paid more.
We often tell ourselves all these “preliminary things” that we think we need first before we can be paid more in our businesses. For example, we may tell ourselves we need more experience first, or we need to be older, or we need to get some degree or certificate, or we need to work with like 50 clients for free first!
There's just all kinds of mental hoops that we force ourselves to jump through to make ourselves feel worthy enough to charge more. But in reality, none of that stuff actually matters to your clients in real life!
All that matters to clients is that you're going to show up for them and do an excellent job with the work you do for them. And you're going to give them a great experience when they work with you. As long as you’re doing those two things, you’re absolutely ready to charge more!
No client is going to get on a discovery call with you and ask you how many years of experience and how many degrees do you have. Running a business isn’t like getting a job! LOL
So don't let not feeling deserving or worthy enough hold you back from charging the rates you need to charge for your services.
So in conclusion –
Remember to believe that the RIGHT people absolutely will pay you what you deserve for your services. Remember that money is a tool for GOOD. And know that you’re already good enough to charge what you deserve, as long as you’re committed to giving your clients great results and a great client experience when they work with you.
People who don’t adopt these beliefs, usually become stagnant. And they sit in the same place, year after year after year. They waste so much valuable time overthinking. And you do not want to do that! Life is happening right NOW. So you want to seize the day and act now to do whatever you can to make the most of the moments that you have, instead of wasting your time in overthinking and self-doubt.
And also, don’t wait for the self-doubt to go away either because it doesn't go away until you actually work. :)
So get started TODAY, right after you read this blog post!
Whatever step you can take right now to work towards what you want, take that first step immediately. And once that step is done, you take the next step. And then once that step is done, you take the next step. And before you know, it you'll have a thriving business! But it's just all up to you to get out of your head and take the action to get where you want to be in life and business.
A great first step to take is my free masterclass on The 3 Steps to Book High Paying Clients Consistently! It will teach you how to market your business to attract high end clients who are excited to invest a premium in your services. Get signed up here!