Why You're Not Booking Clients

Why You're Not Booking Clients

When you’re trying to market yourself online, you could be making certain mistakes that cause you to only attract cheap clients who haggle you about your prices, or even worse — you attract no clients at all! This could leave you frustrated and wondering why you’re not booking clients. But luckily, with a few easy corrections, you can get your marketing efforts on track to start booking the clients you deserve.

When people keep attracting cheap clients online (or no clients!), it’s because they’re using the WRONG marketing strategies. That’s because there’s one type of marketing for attracts premium clients and another type of marketing that attracts cheap clients because premium clients and cheap clients are two very different types of consumers who care about totally different things!

One of the best ways to understand this concept is by thinking about hotels. A hotel is essentially just a bathroom, a bed for you to go to sleep in, and some central heat and air conditioning — and that’s basically it.

You can get those same bare bones essentials at a Motel 8 and at a Ritz Carlton. But the Ritz Carlton costs like 5x the price of the Motel 8. But what makes the Ritz Carlton different is the fact that it has luxurious amenities that elevate it above the Motel 8. The décor is better, there’s room service, the rooms are more comfortable, etc. So the people who would prefer to stay there value luxury and they love feeling like they’re being treated better with those extra amenities and customer service. But in the Motel 8, there’s literally the bare minimum there with basically no amenities and no extra customer service. So the people who would stay in the Motel 8, just want a simple hotel room for as cheap as possible and they don’t need all the “bells and whistles” of a more elevated room at the Ritz Carlton.

This scenario also plays out when consumers are searching for service providers to hire. Cheap people are usually just searching for the cheapest service provider they can possibly find to remove this one-off pesky thing from their to do list. They don't care how it gets removed and they don't really care about getting great customer service and oftentimes, they don’t even care about receiving a high quality of work. They just want it done and they want it cheap!

But the high quality clients that you want to book are usually searching for service providers who will give them a FULL solution to a major problem that they have. They want a great client experience and they want to hire a true expert who can serve as a trusted guide along the way. The want high quality work and they don’t mind paying more for a better outcome.

So now that you understand the difference between what premium, high quality clients want and what cheap clients want, here are three reasons why you’re not booking clients…

Reason #1: You’re not creating a full transformation with the package you sell.

To attract premium, high quality clients, you must be selling a package that provides a full total transformation for a major problem that they’re facing.

For example, instead only doing a transactional one-off logo, if you’re a designer, you should create a full brand design transformation to completely upgrade a client’s visual brand online. Another example would be if you’re a career expert, instead of just doing a resume, you should create a full career coaching package complete with resume templates, interviewing prep, strategies for applying to jobs, etc.

So for your service type that you offer, start thinking about how you can make sure your package will create a full transformation to appeal to premium clients. And make sure your service package has the right client experience and customer service built into it to really impress premium clients and make them feel supported, as they work with you, too.

Reason #2: You’re not coming across as trustworthy & credible online.

When you’re wondering why you’re not booking clients, it’s easy to forget about being credible online for clients to even WANT to book you in the first place. That’s because for people to spend more money to work with you, they definitely must feel like they trust you.

I see a lot of people out there online, who don’t position themselves as credible business owners online. And if you look them up and you try to find some type of website or online presence to verify their credentials, their online presence looks extremely amateur. And their websites don’t communicate anything that would entice premium, high quality clients.

When you're trying to really appeal to people who are willing to pay premium for your services, you must do everything you can as the business owner to come across as credible and as someone who really knows what they're doing.

To do this, you must have at least a one page website with the right type of copy on it that persuasively “sells” your services on the page, by explaining the benefits of working with you. You don’t want to just include a list of features in your package. You need to translate those features into benefits that your ideal clients would care about. Your one page website should also cover your past client experience, by sharing testimonials from anyone you’ve worked with before. Even if you’ve only worked with clients for free so far, their testimonials still count, so include them!

Reason #3: Why you’re not booking clients is a result of your belief in yourself and your mindset.

As entrepreneurs, we must be honest with ourselves about our money mindset blocks that may be causing us to think things like, “Oh, no one will ever pay me $5,000 for this.” or “I don't really believe I'm worth $5,000.” So how you think can truly be a cause of why you’re not booking clients.

You must learn how to put any negative thoughts aside, if you're going to be an entrepreneur, because you have to believe your services are high quality and worth a premium first, if you want other people to believe it.

If you don't believe your services are worth the price, all of that unconfident energy is going to bleed through on your discovery calls and how you do your marketing online. And it’ll probably stop you from showing up consistently and confidently online to attract enough clients to get booked out.

Boost your mindset and tell yourself you deserve to be paid well for what you do and start speaking to yourself in an encouraging way. If you start having negative thoughts pop into your head, cut them off.

And if you have any negative people in your life who try to tell you that you're charging too much, especially when they're not even an entrepreneur themselves, don't even talk to them about your pricing or about your business to keep their negativity away from you.

Those are the three reasons why you’re not booking clients. As you can see there are easy fixes for each of these strategies, so once you make these changes, you’ll be well on your way to booking the clients you deserve.

Make sure you grab my free guide via the banner below, so you can get even more help from me on how to start attracting and getting booked out with your ideal clients!

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